I want my clients to have the best energy-enhancing experience possible, and I continue to learn about energy medicine, particularly Eden Energy Medicine. Training programs are ongoing for me and I am continually improving my skills and learning more.
The ONLY source of certification for Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) is through Innersource, and I have completed more than three years of training in this specialized form of healing.
I have obtained extensive training in Eden Energy Medicine and continue to seek to broaden and strengthen my understanding and mastery of all aspects of EEM. Training that I have had in this field includes:
I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in 2008, and I became a Certified Hypnotist in 2010.
Through 9Ways Academia, I have taken specialized training in Sound Therapy from 2015 to 2016. Training included:
I have also studied the Singing Bowls of the Himalayas in 2016, including:
When you come to RedTail Energetics, you can trust that you are in the hands of someone who is very knowledgeable and truly cares about being thoroughly trained in all aspects of EEM and Sound Healing.
I will continue to broaden and expand my knowledge and understanding of Eden Energy Medicine and other forms of self-healing. The reason I persist in continually learning as much as I can is simple:
I want to empower YOU to have the highest level of energy possible!